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From our home to yours...

Art and design have been part of our Colloredo-Mansfeld family history and heritage for hundreds of years. Knowledge of art, the craft of renovation and refined taste have been passed down from generation to generation, just like the collection of valuable objects itself. We honor the legacy of our ancestors who taught us: excellent quality and design remain timeless.
Colloredo Collections is a family business, our main focus is the careful and curatorial selection of valuable design and art objects as well as antiques from across the 20th century, their thorough renovation, restoration and subsequent sale.
We currently operate in the Czech Republic and Austria, so selected items can be viewed or collected in person by agreement. Thanks to this online store, we also ship pieces all over the world.
Most of the objects that we carefully renovate and add to the sale list come from a huge collection that we inherited from a relative. His collection contains valuable pieces especially from the 1950s, mainly German and Italian design and used to be a part of travelling exhibition.
Maximilian Colloredo-Mansfeld: “I was 15 years old when I started selling antiques online. When I started, my specialty was fountain pens and ceramics, which I sold to various collectors. During 10 years I gained experience with online auctions, ebay, but also professional photography. I sold everything from fountain pens to antique furniture and vinyl records. I really love the thrill of researching an old piece and its history, value and provenance. But the greatest satisfaction is when a piece gets into the right hands of a person who really wants and appreciates it. I wanted to focus more on this aspect of selling, so I started Colloredo Collections to deal with buyers on a more personal level, something I was missing from other auction and shopping sites.”
Colloredo Collections in Media:

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